If you've been following us for a while, you'll know that I have this 'thing' with Monarch Butterflies, so I really wanted to share this uplifting story about a village in Mexico that is protecting Monarchs in a really beautiful way.
You see, last summer when the first Monarch landed in our front 'ditch', turned pollinator sanctuary, I was overcome with a weird mix of excitement and GRIEF. Similar to that feeling when you see a celebrity you've watched most of your life age and even die.
Because let's be straight about it. Monarchs are dying in large numbers, due to pesticides, habitat destruction (they need Milkweed and Milkweed alone to survive) and climate change.
And I really want to help these incredibly tough, beautiful and magical creatures.
Part of the magic is that they weigh half a gram [0.01 ounces], and yet can migrate more than 5,000 kilometers [around 3,000 miles] largely from Canada, through the US and to Mexico for a winter vacay.

And when I think back to the little catterpillars munching on Milkweed in my ditch here in Eastern Ontario, I suddenly feel even more inspired to protect their beautiful spirits and I also feel way more connected to my Mexican friends who live so far away.
In the end, this whole thing is a group effort, and I believe our current environmental crisis is just what we all need to recognize that.