Tariff Response Feedback

Always love to hear your creative solutions, so let me know what you think in the comments below.  Let's keep it positive and solution focused, 'cause like Forest said, 'Shit happens' and you just gotta keep movin'.

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  • I love your products and am currently shamefully embarrassed by our current Adminstration. For the record, the MAJORITY of us here did not want this current situation, but sadly, not enough of us are truly aware of the importance of our vote, and even more depressing, many still aren’t ready for a female President, even in 2025. So here we are. Your company does great things so do what you have to do. We’ll support you and we understand. Just know that MOST of us here did not sign up for this.

    Danielle St Hilaire on
  • I think what the current administration is doing is counterproductive. What clouds my understanding is that China tried to get under the radar by having small quantities of online-ordered products (think Temu) directly shipped to individual customers. My immediate thought was: Can etee employ the same tactic? Or is that loophole no longer in play?
    I’m sorry our country is in such a moral decline. I did not participate in this sorry mess, did not enable this and am doing all I can to prevent it from completely becoming the international pariah that it seems to be assuming. Thank you for your products and your effort to continually evolve and find better and better ways to save our environment.

    Dora Wong on
  • I love your products (most of them) but definitely cannot justify paying the extra 25% bump. Let’s hope none of this bullshit actually happens.

    Celisa Bryant on

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