Which Plastic-Free Packaging Should We Go With?

As you all know, etee loves feedback from our plastic-free community, and we need your help again.

We are re-developing the packaging of our bamboo toothbrushes and we're stuck in the middle with these two.



 Do you like the concept of 'YOUR ______ OUR PLANET'? Is it too preachy for those who aren't so 'eco oriented'? Our goal with all our messaging is to connect, NOT divide, but we love how this ties to our name - Everything Touches Everything Else.

We would love your input! Please let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Our Toothbrushes are one product among five others which make up our Happy tooth essentials kit. This weekend only, we knocked 15% off the kit! Click HERE to check it out!


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  • A
    Clean, precise

    S on
  • Both packages look the same to me just a different colour. I like the package, it’s simple yet makes an important statement. It’s hard to appeal to everyone.

    Irene Dieryck on
  • i like B too.

    Sarah Meredith on
  • I like “A”. It keeps the equality between “your” and “our” whereas option “B” seems to put the emphasis on “your toothbrush” but diminishes “our planet”.

    Just my two cents worth. :-D

    Valerie on
  • I don’t think people buy your product for the packaging – in fact why do you need any, why not use biodegradable bags or put them in a bag that can be reused for other things or a wash bag with your
    logo on- this packaging will be binned as soon as it is opened – creating more stuff to fill my recycling bin!

    Lyn Foden on
  • Either one is good. B may be a little bit better.

  • I like B. There’s ownership with saying “Your” toothbrush & then definitely not to preachy but a reminder that what you do with that toothbrush effects Our planet. So we’re all in this together. Thanks for asking for input & for always thinking about what more etee can do.

    Madeline Lyne on
  • In the case of the above two designs, I would choose B
    BUT, How about
    " your toothbrush

    lilian kapp on
  • B!

    Ashley on
  • B -it is much more noticeable and gets your attention.

    Tamara Newton-Baker on

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