Which Plastic-Free Packaging Should We Go With?

As you all know, etee loves feedback from our plastic-free community, and we need your help again.

We are re-developing the packaging of our bamboo toothbrushes and we're stuck in the middle with these two.



 Do you like the concept of 'YOUR ______ OUR PLANET'? Is it too preachy for those who aren't so 'eco oriented'? Our goal with all our messaging is to connect, NOT divide, but we love how this ties to our name - Everything Touches Everything Else.

We would love your input! Please let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Our Toothbrushes are one product among five others which make up our Happy tooth essentials kit. This weekend only, we knocked 15% off the kit! Click HERE to check it out!


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  • I like A better – the content is a toothbrush. ‘Our planet is in lower case letters, and ‘your’ matches it , balancing out

    Dianne on
  • Prefer option B. I like how the message connects of what you do links to the entire world, it doesnt feel preachy to me.

    E on
  • I’ll start again
    I think B because you’re highlighting the toothbrush and solving the problem of sounding " preachy ".

    Karen on
  • I’d go with option A.

    Elizabeth on
  • B as it follows “Your Dish Soap” but the y in your should be capitalized also to maintain consistency.

    Janith Bergeron on
  • These packaging choices are virtually the same to me. This feels like a slick marketing reach out in the form of a disingenuous poll.

    Tim Covington on
  • I like B.

    Noelle Nichols on
  • my apologies They appear to be the same to me , what are the attributes of both?

    Joan Quinlan on
  • I like B

    MeL on
  • B

    Lucy on

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